Sunday, September 23, 2018

Classroom Rules and Expectations

During the past week, first graders thought a lot about what our classroom rules and expectations should be.  We read a couple of books to help us with our thinking, and thought very carefully about what rules would be important to make sure that everyone feels safe and cared for in our room, and that everyone will be able to do their best learning.
This is what we came up with:

We realized that this is quite a long list to remember!  So we thought about our three big RES expectations.  As we went through our very long list we realized that all of our ideas are actually different examples of Respecting Ourselves, Respecting Each Other, and Respecting Our Environment!  Phew!  Now we really only have to remember 3 rules and expectations and we all agreed that these would be easier to remember!  
Finally, we all made a "thumbprint" promise to try our best to follow them.  It's going to be a great year!!

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