Sunday, September 29, 2019

Farms Make Vermont - Apple Farms

First graders began a unit on farms entitled Farms Make Vermont.  During this unit, we will learn about different types of farms with a focus on the economic cycle of Buy, Produce, Sell.  We will explore questions such as:  What kind of things would farmers need to buy to have this type of farm? What kind of products would this farm produce?  What products would they be able to sell?  What is the difference between a "want" and a "need"?  What would a farmer need to buy to keep their farm going?  Lots to think about and learn about!!

Every other Friday we are going to have a "Theme Day" during which we will focus on a science or a social studies topic exploring it all throughout the day.  Our first such day was focused on a study of Apple Farms.  We learned about the life cycle of the apple tree, how farmers plant and maintain their trees and harvest the apples, and then how an apple makes it from the farm to the store, to be sold to us!  We even got to try our hand at making applesauce!  It was a group effort and it was delicious!!

We began our day with chopping up some apples to get the applesauce started in the crockpot!

We read a book entitled "How Did That Get Into My Lunchbox?", watched a video of an apple processing plant, and explored lots of farm books!

We did an apple tasted test after learning that there are hundreds and hundreds of different varieties of apples!

We ended our day with a treat of delicious homemade applesauce!!  Yum!

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