Saturday, May 27, 2017

Happy three day weekend!
The students and I have had a great week and a half together in school.  We are enjoying learning and exploring together.  I have been collecting some pictures along the way and would love to share them with you.

In theme, we have been studying plants.  We have been learning all the parts of a seed and plant.  We are also conducting a new experiment about what a plant needs to survive.  We have made predictions on what we think may happen to our flowers that will not be receiving all their basic needs as plants.
We began our unit with exploring parts of a seed:  embryo, seed coat, and food storage. Then we placed bean seeds in a wet paper towel and placed them in our window to sprout!  We loved watching the roots grow!  A couple of them even grew a little stem and leaf!

Most of our bean plants are off to a great start!

Our latest plant experiment:
What will happen to a plant without air?
What will happen to a plant without water?
What will happen to a plant without soil?
What will happen to a plant without sunlight?
What will happen to a plant that receives all of the above?
Stay tuned!

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