Highlights from the week of Jan. 24, 2022
A fun-filled week topped off with our first trip to Cochran’s for Snow Motion!! A HUGE THANK YOU to Mr. G. for organizing this for all of our students each year!!
This week we:
Learned the -nk “glued sounds” (-ink, -ank, -onk, and -unk)
Did a lot of measuring using different units (linker cubes, paper clips, and inch tiles)
Measure different kinds of fish to determine whether they were “keepers” or not
After reading many of the “What if You Had Animal _______s “ (books written by Sandra Markle and illustrated by Howard McWilliam) we created our own animal heads using different parts from different animals
Had Guidance with Ms. Spaulding and continued to learn about empathy and others’ feelings
Learned about the nonfiction features Table of contests and Comparisons
Learned about the wonderful online resource Pebble Go and explored a myriad of animals (next week students will each choose an animal to do a research project on!)
Had our first Snow Motion trip!!